My personal goals for technology, as an educational leader, are many. I am mostly interested in learning to become more comfortable and automatic with technology so I can model this for my staff by integrating it in my work and communicaitons with them. Ultimately, I want teachers and all staff at my school to use technology as a tool to maximize student engagement and assist students in becoming informed consumers of technology as well as creators of content.
The specifics are too many to list but I am interested in:
* helping teachers identify reliable and high interest websites that have content supporting standards
* using flip cameras to capture learning events, instructional strategies and student interests
* exploring potential of google docs for efficiency of work and communication
* embedding links to visual and audio content in my communications
* increasing comfort level with technology for all staff
* empowering students to use what they know about technology to energize their own learning
Many of the things you listed that you want to learn - are on my list as well. It would be great to chat and compare notes. You are an elem. principal, right?